Por: Victor Matheus
Barking Poets lança novo single "The Mess I Made" sendo o primeiro trabalho lançado nesse ano. Antes, havia sido lançado os singles "Arizona" e "Southsea Sounds".
O melhor trio de power pop punk alt da cidade de Londres, Barking Poets, lança seu primeiro single de 2025.
O lançamento chega com um punk rock muito nem construído e nos leva em uma onda de vibração genial. O vocalista Neil Murray rosna "Working in a job you hate" e "There's a demon in my brain" mostrando um lado mais sombrio e alternativo do The Poets. Refrão alto e pesado, groove de temperatura média batendo cabeça junto com uma construção matadora no meio da música vê o Barking Poets entrando no território do rock alternativo de bandas como Billy Talent, Muse e Twenty One Pilots.
"The Mess I Made" inicia com riffs de guitarra eletrizantes, com batidas lentas e crescentes, o vocal traz personalidade que faz a gente entrar na faixa.
Barking Poets é versátil, de repente traz batidas agitadas como de um punk rock e tira a gente do chão. Com letras inteligentes o bastante para trazer ironias com tons de ira e raiva, Barking poets mantém a primeira parte constante para nos contagiar no refrão.
"The Mess I Made" tem um refrão viciante, fazendo a gente cantar junto, o trio entrega tudo e coloca intensidade na melodia e no vocal, é a parte que faz a galera gritar e pular. Com solo instrumental, o trio nos conecta com nossas origens dos anos 90 e arrebatam os ouvintes.
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English Text:
By: Victor Matheus
Barking Poets releases new single "The Mess I Made", their first work released this year. Previously, the singles "Arizona" and "Southsea Sounds" had already been released.
The best power pop punk trio from the city of London, Barking Poets, releases their first single of 2025.
The release arrives with a very unbuilt punk rock and takes us on a wave of genius vibes. Vocalist Neil Murray growls "Working in a job you hate" and "There's a demon in my brain" showing a darker and more alternative side of The Poets. Loud and heavy chorus, medium temperature groove beating along with a killer construction in the middle of the song, Barking Poets entering the territory of alternative rock of bands like Billy Talent, Muse and Twenty One Pilots.
"The Mess I Made" starts with electrifying guitar riffs, with slow and increasing beats, the vocals bring personality that makes us get into the track.
Barking Poets is versatile, suddenly bringing fast-paced beats like punk rock and sweeping us off our feet. With lyrics that are intelligent enough to bring irony with tons of anger and rage, Barking Poets keeps the first part constant to infect us with the chorus.
"The Mess I Made" has an addictive chorus, making us sing along, the trio gives it their all and puts intensity into the melody and vocals, it's the part that makes the crowd scream and jump. With an instrumental solo, the trio connects us with our 90s roots and captivates the listeners.
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