A revelação do EDM Amanda Mantra chega poderosa em seu novo single


Por: Tati Teixeira 

A jovem artista Amanda Mantra se une a Dayana para uma parceria épica do mundo eletrônico,  duas mulheres entregando muita energia e talento para um resultado de tirar o fôlego.

Not The One é o nome da nova música de trabalho da talentosa e excepcional Amanda Mantra, a DJ faz uma parceria que da certo e entrega uma produção envolvente e viciante,  eletropop de qualidade recheado de muito talento.

A nova composição da cantora nos faz recordar o como era bom o eletropop dos anos 90, ela consegue reunir essa vibe nostálgica com tons e arranjos inovadores que soam de forma espetacular nos fazendo sentir frescor e leveza, somos engolidos pelo belo ritmo da música, simplesmente sensacional.

A parceria mostra também a força da mulher no EDM, Dayana e Amanda entregam um trabalho de qualidade que nos conquista facilmente e nos leva a delirar, esse é o girlpower brilhando e gerando impacto em um cenário dominado pela imagem masculina do DJ homem, Amanda quebra esse tabu.

Uma faixa cheia de vida, energia,  atitude e autenticidade e é só o começo da carreira da artista,  podemos dizer com total certeza que estamos ansiosos para os próximos lançamentos,  ela tem encantado e muita qualidade.

Ouça agora:

Young artist Amanda Mantra teams up with Dayana for an epic partnership in the electronic world, two women delivering a lot of energy and talent for a breathtaking result. Not The One is the name of the new song by the talented and exceptional Amanda Mantra, the DJ creates a partnership that works and delivers an engaging and addictive production, quality electropop filled with a lot of talent. The singer's new composition makes us remember how good electropop was from the 90s, she manages to bring together this nostalgic vibe with innovative tones and arrangements that sound spectacular, making us feel fresh and light, we are swallowed by the beautiful rhythm of the music, simply sensational. The partnership also shows the strength of women in EDM, Dayana and Amanda deliver quality work that easily wins us over and makes us go crazy, this is girlpower shining and generating impact in a scenario dominated by the masculine image of the male DJ, Amanda breaks this taboo. A track full of life, energy, attitude and authenticity and it is just the beginning of the artist's career, we can say with total certainty that we are looking forward to the next releases, she has enchanted and has a lot of quality.


Young artist Amanda Mantra teams up with Dayana for an epic partnership in the electronic world, two women delivering a lot of energy and talent for a breathtaking result.

Not The One is the name of the new song by the talented and exceptional Amanda Mantra, the DJ creates a partnership that works and delivers an engaging and addictive production, quality electropop filled with a lot of talent.

The singer's new composition makes us remember how good electropop was from the 90s, she manages to bring together this nostalgic vibe with innovative tones and arrangements that sound spectacular, making us feel fresh and light, we are swallowed by the beautiful rhythm of the music, simply sensational.

The partnership also shows the strength of women in EDM, Dayana and Amanda deliver quality work that easily wins us over and makes us go crazy, this is girlpower shining and generating impact in a scenario dominated by the masculine image of the male DJ, Amanda breaks this taboo.

A track full of life, energy, attitude and authenticity and it is just the beginning of the artist's career, we can say with total certainty that we are looking forward to the next releases, she has enchanted and has a lot of quality.

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