Gary Dranow and The Manic Emotions arrebata o ouvinte em rock and roll clássico


Por: Victor Matheus 

Gary Dranow and The Manic Emotions lança novo single "Day I Was Born" sendo o terceiro trabalho lançado nesse ano.

Antes, havia sido lançado os singles "Melow Drama" e "Something About You".

A banda formada por Sherm Tate (vocal e baixo), Marty Steinberg e Jethro DeFries na bateria, Jerry Manfredi no baixo e Tommy Mars no teclado. Eles trazem o rock and roll versátil, mesclando elementos e variações dentro do gênero, são sensacionais juntos. 

"Day I Was Born" revive os anos 50 e 60, um som clássico, com teclado (Órgão) ao fundo, eles relembram os blues e o rock and roll quando andavam de mãos dadas, em um som expressivo, forte, com riffs e solos marcantes e o baixo é genial, ditando o tom e o as batidas o ritmo, que aceleram nossos corações. 

O vocal nos cativa, uma voz e estrondosa como o trovão, traz a genialidade e a performance junto. "Day I Was Born" é um convite para uma aventura, algo no passado, revive os dias de glória do rock and roll, é nostálgica e una raridade atualmente.

"Day I Was Born", imaginem na estrada, sol, viajando, o vento no rosto e o solo instrumental que é arrebatador, nos deixa nas nuvens, em um final épico que a banda nos proporciona com a qualidade inestimável de Gary Dranow and The Manic Emotions, com toda a vibração e energia. 

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English Text:

By: Victor Matheus

 Gary Dranow and The Manic Emotions release new single "Day I Was Born" being the third work released this year. Previously, the singles "Melow Drama" and "Something About You" had been released.

 The band formed by Sherm Tate (vocals and bass), Marty Steinberg and Jethro DeFries on the drums , Jerry Manfredi on bass and Tommy Mars on keyboards. They bring diverse rock and roll, mixing elements and variations within the genre, are sensational together. "Day I Was Born" revives the 50s and 60s, a classic sound, with a keyboard (Organ) in the background, they recall the blues and rock and roll when they went hand in hand, in an expressive, strong sound, with riffs and striking solos and the bass is genius, dictating the tone and the beats the rhythm, which accelerate our hearts. The vocal captivates us, a voice booming like thunder, bringing genius and performance together. "Day I Was Born" is an invitation to an adventure, something in the past, reliving the glory days of rock and roll, it's nostalgic and a rarity these days. "Day I Was Born", imagine on the road, sun, traveling, the wind in your face and the instrumental solo that is breathtaking, leaves us in the clouds, in an epic finale that the band provides us with the invaluable quality of Gary Dranow and The Manic Emotions, with all the vibe and energy. 

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